Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Summary of Running 5k in 50 days

If you haven't find enough time to read the entire blog, here is a summary of the advice of each day.

Day 1: Join the Challenge
You must stop talking about the things you would or could do, and start doing them.

Day 2: If I can do it once, I can do it twice.
Get the right/correct gear to exercise. Don't make the external situations to be a good excuse for not doing it.

Day 3: Get a Gym Buddy
Get a gym a buddy, a cool friend to exercise with; someone to share this activity.

Day 4: When everything changes
Organize yourself, and be conscious that everything can happen, and be aware that nothing is perfect.

Day 5: Out of town
Explore new alternatives wherever you are. There is always a way to make things work.

Day 6: Plan B...does it really work?
Don’t let everything for the last minute. Do not give up besides everything.

Day 7: Weekend = break?
FOCUS. Be aware that in order to turning running and working out into a habit you need concentration and discipline. Keep the energy and smile.

Day 8: Traveling
Don’t lose the hope that everything can change one day, but things won’t change by themselves, you have to make it happen. It can take you one day, one hour, one minute, one second to change the path of your life, discover your moment, accept it, and live it.

Day 9: My B-day
Do not forget that some things happen for a reason and there some things that you can’t control and we should not worry about those.

Day 10: Rain or shine, come what may
Do not let nature to stop you. Love the little barriers that life gives you, and enjoy how you overcome those. It feels great when you conquer those obstacles that stressed you and made you mad for a minute.

Day 11: Music and GO!
Select the right music to run. Music feeds your soul, and your soul moves your feet from the ground.

Day 12: 1st baby step: DONE!
Do not go the easy way. The easy way is to quit, is to stay as you are and where you are, because you feel comfortable. Get out of your comfort zone, and DARE yourself to see the real world.

Day 13: Stretch
Stretch; Take some time before running to focus in your legs. Take care of them; don’t take them for granted.

Day 14: Weekend guests...
Stop caring about what people say or can say. You can’t have a happy and plenty life if all you do is for satisfying everyone else but yourself. It is all about emotions and attitude. Be always positive.

Day 15: Keep on track
Get up. If you fell, don’t complain or regret about it. We waste a lot of our time complaining, planning and criticizing, instead of acting. Move on and keep on track.

Day 16: Laugh & enjoy
Enjoy your workout. Laugh & smile meanwhile you are doing it. If it makes you happy, show it! Pass it on. Spread the voice about how good it feels working out. Motivate others.

Day 17: Remember me
Think for a bit about your past. The past that made you be the person who you are right now, be thankful for that, strength whatever your commitment or plan is, recharge energy, live the present and be ready for the future. Maybe you’ll realize that you are committed to something you’ve wanted your whole life….maybe not…

Day 18: Barely breathing
Try not to exercise when you are getting sick. You are not a hero and you can get worse. Health is not a game, and we have to take care of ourselves.

Day 19: Eat, pray & love
Create your own story, live it, enjoy it and stop wondering how your life would it be if you were be someone else; stop wishing someone else’s life.

Day 20: An Unknown Passion
Discover your passion, and even though if that is not what you are currently doing professionally, find some time to do it. Don’t be afraid if your real passion is something weird or different, that’s what makes us unique. It is never late to start living the life you always wanted.

Day 21: SkatingList the things you’ve always wanted to do or the things you are afraid to do. Challenge yourself to do them in a certain period of time, ask for help if you are still too afraid.

Day 22: 2nd baby step: DONE!
When you feel that you can’t do it anymore, slow down, but don’t stop right away. Recover your breathing, drink some water meanwhile jogging, get your strength back and continue. You can last so much longer than you think; you just need to stop thinking about time, final line, etc. Remember to enjoy your workout and push yourself in a reasonable way.

Day 23: Danger alert
Stay away for the unhealthy food. I know is hard, sometimes craving is more powerful than our will.

Day 24: Stranger’s power
Learn as much as you can from the people that you meet or know. Be honest, share your knowledge, listen, care and don’t judge or stop talking to someone just because his/her appearance, accent, economic situation or nationality. They make an impact on you, and without knowing you might be a significant person in their lives too.

Day 25: Halfway!
Perseverance. It’s good that you have great ideas, big dreams and plans, but those are null if you don’t make them happen. Make it real. Work every day to accomplish it. Be brave enough to finish what you’ve started. Cross the line between the dreams and the reality.

Day 26: A horrible break
“Rest before you get tired”, a good phrase from Dale Carnegie. Take your time. Be wise with your decisions.

Day 27: First Friday
Explore new alternatives of entertainment in your own city. Sometimes we just want to travel somewhere else to discover new things, when in reality we don’t even know the city we live in. Most of the exciting things in life are free and closer than we think.

Day 28: Keep it simple
Keep it simple. If you want to say something, say it. If you want to go somewhere, go. If you don’t want to sleep at night, don’t. If you want to be the first in something, be it. If you want to be a builder, start building. If you want to run 5k, run.

Day 29: Prescott
Take time to share memorable moments with your family. After all, your family it is the most important thing in the world.

Day 30: Tempe Town Lake
Find your own special place. The place that makes you feels secure, safe and relief.

Day 31: Stranger’s power part 2
Be always grateful. Even with a stranger. Life can surprise you, and it is never late to be grateful and thank whoever you need to thank.

Day 32: Is it a habit yet?
Change your strategy every time is necessary in order to accomplish your goal.

Day 33: Saying goodbye and nice to meet you
Do not get stuck in just a chapter of your life, be brave enough to turn the page.

Day 34: Good excuses
Make a list of the things could stop you and ignore them, if you know that those things can be in your way, don’t let them trick you! You need consistency.

Day 35: The writing inspiration
Take a notebook and a pen everywhere you go, if possible and if you want. Don’t let any of your ideas go away. Who knows? Maybe there is an unknown writer inside of you.

Day 36: The perfect gear
Remember that perfectionism doesn’t exist or the “perfect gear”, just get the right gear to start with. Don’t get and fill your home with things you want to use and never do!

Day 37: Mission not accomplished
Put yourself together in crisis time and accept your reality, it is not easy, but this is the challenge, right now, right this second, dealing with the things are wrong with yourself; being able to get up when you are down is one of the most satisfactory feelings you can experience.

Day 38: Basketball
Identify the sport you love and play it!

Day 39: Tanabata
Keep your promises. It doesn’t matter how hard are to keep, if you give your word, keep it. Your word is what gives you credibility. Don’t become in a talkative that no one trust.
Don’t promise something you are planning not to do.

Decide who you want to be: do you want to be the change? Or the person who watches changes and does nothing? There is always something you can do the help. Fight until you get tired, and even though you get tired, never stop.

Day 41: Running away - Flagstaff
Take time just for you. Spoil yourself a little bit. Take your car someday and run away. Feel free again. Be for a while only with your thoughts, be under the influence of no one besides you.

Day 42: UTAH
Get out of your comfort zone and be ready to LIVE.

Day 43: Four places at once - GC Sunset
Enjoy the variety of feelings and up and downs in your life. Life isn’t perfect. We don’t even know what perfect is. Just live and try to do your best in the greatest way possible.

Day 44: This is not a competition
Realize how the people that surround you are and give up trying to figure it out them. Life is simple and good. You will win nothing by trying to impress someone.
Day 45: Personal training
Release your stress in real life so it doesn’t hunt you during the night in your dreams.

Day 46: Cooking
Cook on your own. It’s better when you cook at home because you know you are using the right ingredients and besides it is cheaper and fun.

Day 47: Pain & communication
Keep studying. Don’t lose that habit of reading and learning. Don’t close yourself of new opportunities for studies.

Day 48: Full Moon
Be aware that you can’t go back in time. Live every phase of your life and try to express as best as you can. What you produce is the reflection of your life phase.

Day 49: Salt River
Be proud during the last days of your challenge.

Day 50: Walk for Hope
Never give up. Use discipline and perseverance.

You have two choices give up forever or look for second chances.

Plan your challenges and make sure that they help someone besides you.

You might fail, you might succeed, but whatever happen, do not ever stop. Maybe your plan changes and your friends let you down when you must need them, maybe you’re away from your family and you only want them with you in difficult moments, maybe there is lot of factors that can stop you, but the only person that can stop you is yourself. Dealing with disappointment is never a fun job.

No one else can diminish you but yourself. Live with passion and never be afraid to follow your dreams.

Use your heart to find your passions and use your mind to make them happen.

Remember that Inspiration becomes art. What you want becomes your vision.

Remember that there are not endings in any story… just new beginnings…

This life is full options, and I’ve chosen mine…have you?


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